🔐 RenkuLab Update: Secrets management

The latest release Renku 0.52.0 continues with the development of Renku 2.0 and introduces two new features in RenkuLab, namely secrets management and culling times for sessions (relevant for administrators).

:closed_lock_with_key: Secrets management
You can now save and use secrets in RenkuLab sessions! For example, save your credentials for a database or external computing resource in RenkuLab to access those external systems from a RenkuLab session.

Save secrets via the new User Secrets page in the account drop down, and choose which secrets to mount in a session on the Start with Options page.

More details on this feature can be found in the documentation.

:hourglass_flowing_sand: Session culling times

Thus, a new feature on session culling times is included. Administrators can customize the culling times (the length of time before an idle session is paused or a paused session is deleted) for different resource pools.

:loudspeaker: Please share any feedback or issues in General, and read on for a full breakdown of improvements included in this update.