Project disappeared from renkulab

Hi Renku team,

A project of mine disappeared from the renkulab platform… But I can still find it in my gitlab.

Name of the project: klf4-znf611-sva-crispri

Gitlab URL: crates / klf4-znf611-sva-crispri · GitLab

I am using the project for publication, so it would be nice to know it is stably stored.



Hi @bopekno - thanks for reporting and sorry about that! We recently made some changes to how projects are searched and displayed so there may be some bugs in the process. From what I can tell your project should definitely be there, but we’re looking into why it’s not showing up. In the meantime, you can simply replace gitlab with projects in the URL to get to the renku page for the project and launch sessions etc. for example

Once again, we are very sorry. We’ve just fixed the data for your project in our DB so all should work fine now.