All files disappeared from repo?

Dear all,
A month ago, I came across the issue that the repo Reproducible Data Science | Open Research | Renku showed up as empty. I thought it might have been a maintenance issue, but now it is still empty. Could someone check what might have happened and whether the repo can be recovered somehow? Thanks a lot!

Hello, thank you for your post.
We recently migrated Gitlab, so most likely the issue you have reported is related to that.
We are investigating the wherabouts of your repository and will get back to you ASAP.

Hi @schymans
I restored your project, but please give it a quick check.

Thanks very much, I can see the files and forked projects, too, now.

Hi @schymans - your session for this project isn’t starting because you started it with too small of a storage request. I’ve removed it - when you start it again, please select a bigger disk size (or better yet, set it that way in the project’s settings).

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Thanks a lot! I’m glad you posted this here, as the error message I was getting was not very informative, and I didn’t guess that it was just a size issue. It works now.

:thinking: The error should say clearly that it’s failing because of a disk space issue - we’ll take a look why that doesn’t seem to be the case.