Not possible to access public renkulab projects wihtout login?

The landing page does not have a link to public projects any more, only login options. Has anonymous browsing been deactivated on purpose? I used to advertise projects on renkulab, but now people cannot access them any more without creating a login.

@schymans I am not sure I understand what you mean.

But I can browse private projects on if I am not logged in. Also I can launch sessions in these projects.

For example if you click the “hamburger menu” and then click “Search” you will be able to browse/search all private projects.

@schymans , as replied by @tolevski you can access the search page from the landing page. Does this solve your problem/issue?

Thanks a lot, @elisabetc and @tolevski! I don’t get it, all I could see was login page, with nothing on it. I had finally logged in using my ORCID to see what can be accessed without a dedicated account and everything worked fine. Now I logged out again, and when I go back to the page I see what you are describing. Perhaps firefox had cached some weird state of renkulab. Sorry for the noise.

Thank you @schymans for letting us know. I am sure we will find the problem and the solution. When you click on the search button that @tolevski, can you access the following search page without logging in? I am not logged in and I can access, and should be the default behaviour.

Thanks, the search works, but it is quite hidden. An icon with a link to “public projects” might be helpful.

Thank you @schymans for the feedback. We have work on your suggestion which was shared with other users, and the landing page of the latest release of RenkuLab includes the search bar as a relevant element.