@sjinko ok I’ve done this now in https://renkulab.io/gitlab/rok.roskar/dyad – you’ll see that all the csv files in data/
are all in LFS, which means they are not checked in directly to the repository. If you’re not familiar with LFS, I find this tutorial particularly good: https://www.atlassian.com/git/tutorials/git-lfs
You should be able to clone my repository easily, but make sure you have git-lfs installed locally first. It would be great if you can verify that everything is there as expected. Once you’ve convinced yourself that it is indeed the case, you need to rewrite the history in your original repository to make it usable again.
To do this, you need to first unprotect the master branch by clicking the “view in gitlab” button on the upper right of the renku project view:
Then, you have to go to Settings --> Repository:
Expand the “Protected Branches” section and unprotect master
Now, go to the directory where you cloned my repository and add your repository as a remote like this:
git remote add upstream git@renkulab.io:shin.koseki/dyad.git
Now you are ready to push to overwrite your master branch with the version that has the large files stored separately from git:
git push --force upstream master
Go to the gitlab page for your project and make sure that you see “LFS” next to the csv files:
If not, you may need to do the push again (I had to do it twice for some reason… don’t know why).
Your repository also has an autosave branch - you can also update that one from my fork if you want, by doing
git checkout renku/autosave/shin.koseki/master/f96da7d/38baafa
git push --force upstream renku/autosave/shin.koseki/master/f96da7d/38baafa
Let me know if you’d like help with this process! We can chat on gitter, it might be easier.