RenkuLab Update: pin projects to the Dashboard & new Landing Page (0.44.0)

Pin your favorite projects to the Dashboard

Never lose track of important projects again! Pin a project by clicking the new pin icon in the top left corner of the project image. You can pin up to 5 projects, and these will stay at the top of the dashboard, above your recently viewed projects.

Pin projects to the dashboard

New Renku Landing Page

We are proud to release our completely redesigned landing page! Our new
page better describes Renku and its capabilities, and features multiple entry points for getting started with the platform.

New Landing Page

What else is new?

This update also brings improvements to the KG API, addresses a few bugs in the UI.

:warning: A note to Renku administrators: This release includes breaking changes in our Helm chart values file. For more details on the Helm chart values changes please refer to the explanation in helm-chart/

Where can I learn more?

Read on for a full breakdown of user-facing improvements included in this update, or see a complete list of the details on our release page.

Want to know what’s coming ahead? Check out out new feature roadmap!

Please share any feedback or issues you have with RenkuLab in General.

:star2: New Features

  • :pushpin: UI: Users can now pin projects to the dashboard, up to a maximum of 5 projects (#2898).
  • :art: UI: Introduce a redesigned landing page to enhance the user experience for new users exploring the platform for the first time (#2925).

:sparkles: Improvements

  • UI: Enhance UX for registration and authentication in the platform (#26).
  • KG: Performance improvements to the Cross-Entity Search API (#1666).
  • KG: Extend the Cross-Entity Search API to allow filtering by a role (#1486).
  • KG: Improved search to return results where the search keyword is separated by underscores (#1783).
  • KG: A new GET /knowledge-graph/version API. (#1760).

:lady_beetle: Bug Fixes

  • UI: Correctly update progress of project indexing (#2833).
  • UI: Change icons in the Nav bar to use Bootstrap icons (#2882).
  • UI: Fixed bug that caused Dashboard to reload frequently by handling errors from the getSessions query in the Dashboard (#2903).
  • UI: Adjust dropdown menus with anchors nested in buttons (#2907).
  • UI: Update the workflows documentation link (#2917).
  • UI: Add whitespace after author name in session commit details (#2921).
  • UI: Prevent showing wrong options on the Session dropdown menu when the project namespace includes uppercase letters (#2874).
  • UI: Restore the switch between creating and importing a dataset, and restyle the buttons (#2857).
  • UI: Address visual glitches on many pages (#2883).
  • UI: Prevent occasionally duplicating last visited projects on the Dashboard (#2892).
  • KG: Prevent CLI’s Dataset Import from failing when the Dataset belongs to a project with more than 20 datasets.

:information_source: This update includes changes from versions 0.43.0 to 0.44.1 . Find a complete list of the details on our release page.