Hi all,
I have created a renku workflow in a private repo on renkulab:
The workflow consists of Jupyter notebooks run through papermill. I can run it through renku successfully:
renku run papermill --kernel Python3 PreprocessMovies.ipynb PreprocessMovies.ran.ipynb -p input_path ../data/test_dataset/rawMovie.h5 -p output_path ../data/test_dataset/preprocessedMovie.h5 -p n_jobs 1
renku run papermill --kernel Python3 ExtractSignals.ipynb ExtractSignals.ran.ipynb -p input_path ../data/test_dataset/preprocessedMovie.h5 -p output_path ../data/test_dataset/resultsPCAICA_python.h5
renku run papermill --kernel Python3 AnnotateSignals.ipynb AnnotateSignals.ran.ipynb -p input_path ../data/test_dataset/resultsPCAICA_python.h5 -p output_path ../data/test_dataset/PCAICAsorted.h5 -p update_existing False
This also creates a nice graph of the workflow in the renkulab UI. Now, I want to change some code in the first notebook, commit the changes and run renku update
but I get the following error:
Do you have any idea what could be the problem?
Thanks, Henry