Renku login leads to git push failure


Since very recently, I am not able to push on my renkulab-hosted project from within the renku session, even after successfully logging into renkulab using renku login and clicking yes on the linked page.

What should I do? Thanks!


Hi Cyril - based on the screenshot I’m assuming this is running on If so, you should be able to push to the project where the session was started from without doing any sort of login on the command line. Did you try and it failed?

No, it is from a renku session running locally, which in the past has always required login

It may be that your token has expired - can you log in to normally first, then try renku login again?

I did what you suggested, now the error has changed:

Notice that renku login succeeds, but pushing is still not possible

This error implies you have your remote set up to use ssh not http