Renku CLI v0.9.1 released

A few days ago we pushed out a bugfix release of the renku CLI (renku-python) - the main issue was with an incompatibility between two of our sub-dependencies which was causing the CLI to crash. So if you were experiencing bizarre crashes, it’s probably worth updating! :slight_smile:

Other improvements worth mentioning:

  • we fixed a long-standing bug that prevented dataset commands from running outside the repository root directory
  • we made some nice cosmetic changes to the dataset file listing in the terminal
  • we implemented some critical backend service features which will be coming to the UI very soon! (e.g. importing datasets from renkulab)

As always, you can see the full release notes for more details.


To upgrade your clients in your renkulab (or other hosted) environments - edit your Dockerfile and add this line at the bottom:

RUN pip install -U pipx && pipx install --force renku==0.9.1

When you commit this change, a new image will automatically be built for you with the new version of renku inside.

If you are running renku locally and you installed it with pipx you can do simply:

$ pipx install --force renku==0.9.1