So it looks like we couldn’t process successfully any commit after migration you did on 2022-02-25. That’s why there’s almost no data for your project in the Knowledge Graph. Let us try to find out the reason for that.
Could it have to do with it that it is an Rscript running in the python-template of renku? Also the re-run commands fail as it doesn’t find the R-packages, so I thought those issues might be linked?
From the error on our end it looks like there was an issue migrating the project, but we’d need access to the project to further determine what went wrong.
Yes, something was strange there. I first migrated locally, but it kept saying it was outdated on So then I migrated there too and pulled it to my local repo.
Could be a merge conflict when you pulled to your local repo.
We store metadata files in .renku/metadata/ inside the project, which is made up of many files and index files pointing to those files.
The error we see is something along the lines of Cannot find object: 'dc636d5349fc40dc65c7448eae16115b877baab04cbc5035b4474f284f82c69b' which means we have a metadata file somewhere in .renku/metadata/ pointing to a file named dc636d5349fc40dc65c7448eae16115b877baab04cbc5035b4474f284f82c69b, but that .renku/metadata/dc/63/dc636d5349fc40dc65c7448eae16115b877baab04cbc5035b4474f284f82c69b doesn’t exist (i.e. the renku metadata is corrupt).
Git doing a merge of an index file pointing to dc63[…] but not merging the actual file could explain that.
But impossible to tell without looking at the git history in question.
Yes that should work, if the migration/merge was the culprit.
Or git reset --hard <commit> to the migration commit (i think 33cd078dc9a37a51fa3831018d4b39306d357ed8 in this case) from renkulab (discarding the local merge).
Thank you for giving me access. This is due to a bug that was fixed in fix(dataset): unset wasDerivedFrom for imported datasets by mohammad-sdsc · Pull Request #2686 · SwissDataScienceCenter/renku-python · GitHub (but not in any release yet) that we thought didn’t affect users, but apparently it does. Namely it breaks renku graph export (used for getting the Knowledge Graph) and renku log in your case.
We’re working on adding a renku doctor fix that can fix affected projects and on making the affected parts of the code more robust.
This manifests when importing a dataset with renku-python version 1.0.6.
We’ll let you know once the renku doctor fix is available.
We made a release 1.1.0 last Friday, renku · PyPI, you can use that to call renku doctor --fix to fix an affected project.
The project should still work with 1.0.6 currently deployed on Renkulab after that, no migration is needed.
But any datasets newly imported from Renkulab will still have this issue until we make an overall release of the Renku platform. Until then, users have to call renku doctor --fix with 1.1.0 after importing a dataset from Renkulab and being affected by this issue.