Git author identity unknown [renku 1.0]

I was editing requirements and notebooks in the same session and suddenly the project restarted without an error message. I lost my progress and also I cannot commit anymore. Git is there but I get:

git commit -m "lesson2"
Author identity unknown

*** Please tell me who you are.


  git config --global ""
  git config --global "Your Name"

to set your account's default identity.
Omit --global to set the identity only in this repository.

There was a previous post where some pymc package (or similar name) caused an issue. I do not have that one installed (I ran the import on that specific package). I do have in my requirements the following:



PS: Link to project:

Hi @pohleric I’m sorry you’re having trouble! From the looks of it, you are running the session with very minimal resource requests - is it possible that you are running out of memory? If you go over the allotted memory, the process is killed and restarted. To rule that out, could you request a session with more memory next time?

As for the git problem: this could happen if you are not in the project’s directory when trying to commit - maybe that is the problem?

… I got logged out automatically from renku during my session. So what I thought was a “restart” was opening a copy of my project as anonymous where I could not use git.
So for anyone who might run into this:

  • Check if you are logged into renku at this very moment.

Hi Eric, ok thanks for following up with that - we clearly need better messaging in those cases.

But just to be clear, this happened while you were actively using a session?

Yes, I was logged in and working on a notebook. I might have been away for a short period of time but I did not have a message that I got logged out or that the session stopped. I continued working and then suddenly the session closed and “restarted” (it actually opened a copy in my active browser tab). After logging back in, I think I resumed actually my old session (I might be wrong here and started a new session).