I have a project called fortress, which I made private and shared with the group fortress, of which @martin.schlerf is a member. However, when he now logs in through ORCID, he cannot see the project. I am also not able to change the project visibility from private to internal. Is this a bug in renku 2.0?
Hello @schymans .
For the project’s visibility, I assume the group has a visibility level more strict than the one you want to give the project. E.G: For a private group, you can’t have internal/public projects. Is that the case? Otherwise, your permissions as a creator should allow you to change the visibility as you wish.
For the visibility, that’s really strange. Once logged in, Keycloak does not distinguish based on the way the user logged in
Is the user exaclty the same when logging in through ORCID? Could you please check (or better, have the user check) by opening the Account page on Keycloack (see screenshot) and verifying that the email address is the same?
It would also be great to verify that there is actually an association with the ORCID account. On the Keycloak page, the user can click on “Account security” and then “Linked accounts”. In the example below, my account is linked to GitHub. This will help us be 100% sure there is no duplicate user.
Renku 2.0 has a completely different way to define permissions that’s not based on GitLab.
Currently, there is no concept of Internal visibility in Renku 2.0
Thanks a lot for the quick response! I just changed the group visibility and will ask the user (Martin) to check again and report.
Hi Lorenzo, the account info reveals under personal info the correct email address, first name and last name, but not the user name. Under linked accounts under linkied login providers ORCID appears with my correct orc-id.
Anyway, I made a new renku account (username schlerf), but that doesnt work to login to renkulab, only to this forum.
Hi @schlerf and @schymans - I’ve just enabled indexing on that project so it is usable from the Renku UI. You should be able to see it fine now, let me know if that is not the case.
right, I checked again and now it works. Thank you!