Stopping a Session


I have trouble stopping a session. Do you have any idea why?

Hi @geevanp I have cleaned up your session. I am not sure why this is occurring. I will do some digging to make sure it does not happen again.

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Hi @tolevski
Thanks for stopping the session.
I have some problem to run pytorch agnostic code within a jupyterr notebook file - it is running forever without any results (even after I restarted the kernel). I am not sure, if there is a connection between these two issue…


After that I had the same problem as before when stopping the session

Hi @geevanp I have no access to your project to test this out.

So if you add me then I can give it a try and see what the problem may be.

My email is

Hi Tasko,
I added you, thanks!

So I added the following code in a python script and ran it without an issue:

import torch

print(torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu"))

I also ran the same code in a brand new notebook:


Let me try a few more things and see if I can replicate the issue.

@geevanp are you requesting GPUs in your session?

I tried a few different things and I cannot replicate your problems. I was able to run the code I mentioned earlier with and without a GPU.

I would recommend that you upgrade the base image from renku/renkulab-py:3.9-0.14.0 to renku/renkulab-py:3.9-0.17.0

I tested renku/renkulab-py:3.9-0.17.0 in a separate branch and I had no issues. See the test-to branch in the repo. There I only bumped the base image version.

Hi @tolevski
Thanks a lot.
I will take a look.

Can you please clean up the session again?