🧑‍🏫 Seminar on Renkulab for teaching in July

:hourglass_flowing_sand: Do you spend too much time on setting up the course resources (software, dependencies, materials, etc.) for your students?
:computer: Do your students have enough compute resources to conduct their work?
:closed_lock_with_key: Do you need to have code, data and compute easily accessible for your students in the same place?

Join us to learn how to leverage Renkulab for teaching

We will explain how Renku can help you in 1-hour seminar on July 4th (afternoon) and July 10th (morning) ! Do not doubt to further share this event with your community.

OPTION 1: Teaching with Renku
Scheduled: 2024-07-04T12:00:00Z2024-07-04T13:00:00Z
Link: Launch Meeting - Zoom
Teaching with Renku_opt1.ics (1.9 KB)

OPTION 2: Teaching with Renku
Scheduled: 2024-07-10T07:30:00Z2024-07-10T08:30:00Z
Link: Launch Meeting - Zoom
Teaching with Renku_opt2.ics (1.9 KB)