Renku Tea Talk Series
Do you want to familiarize yourself more with Renku and/or learn more about the new cool -upcoming- Renku features?
Join us (virtually) for our bi-weekly at tea time for new feature demos, project expositions, and use cases! (details & topics below).
This is also an opportunity to ask live questions/give feedback to people from the Renku team on a specific topic.
We welcome users with any level of Renku expertise!
Date : every other Friday (starting 5th of November 2021)
Time : 15h00-16h00 (tea time!)
Place : zoom
Upcoming Topics (subject to change):
25.02 postponed Time Domain Astronomy workflow and data stewardship with Renku
Past talks:
- 05.11 New Renku UI
- 19.11 Boost your digital classroom with Renku: fostering innovation in teaching and enhancing the learning experience.
- 03.12 Renku case study 1: A framework for open and continuous community benchmarking of bioinformatic tools
- 14.01 Renku CLI 1.0
- 11.02 Renku for BioImage Analysis: How to easily share, use & teach Deep Learning tools
We thank you in advance for your time and interest and look forward to seeing many of you in these sessions!
The Renku Team Tea Talk Organizers
Our next Renku talk:
Date: Friday 19th November 2021 at 15h00 CET
Speakers: @ksanao @tao.sun @gavin-k-lee
Place: zoom link
Topic: Boost your digital classroom with Renku: fostering innovation in teaching and enhancing the learning experience.
If you wish to add these events to your calendar, you can subscribe to the Renku tea talk calendar or use this ics file directly.
In a few minutes we have our next Renku talk: 
Date : Friday 3rd December 2021 at 15h00 CET
Speakers : Almut LĂĽtge & Anthony Sonrel from UZH/SIB
Place : zoom link
Topic : “A framework for open and continuous community benchmarking of bioinformatic tools”.
Welcome back! A quick reminder that our first tea talk of the year is happening today at 15h00.
Here is a quick teaser:
Abstract: Rerun your experiment on a range of parameters? Train your model on that big dataset you always wanted using HPC? Create big pipelines that can be run as needed? If that sounds appealing to you, then you should join this talk about the Renku workflow functionality and other improvements.
Link to the talk.
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Heads up! Our second talk of the year is once again happening today at 15h00.
@romainGuiet will be presenting: “Renku for BioImage Analysis: How to easily share, use & teach Deep Learning tools”
Abstract: BioImage Analysis have been gifted with a growing number of Deep Learning tools for the past years. Many of them offer an easy way to do prediction but performing training often requires installation procedures that are not part of the Biologist background. Renku offers an easy way to share & use prepared installation templates, including notebooks and datasets, which also facilitates teaching.
Link to the talk (it’s always the same one
See you there!
Due to recent events, we will be postponing our Tea Talk today from Volodymyr Savchenko and his colleagues.
We look forward to seeing you back at a future Tea Talk.
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We are pleased to announce that we will have one last Renku talk before the summer break.
Date: Friday 2022-06-10T13:00:00Z
Speaker: @volodymyrss and his colleagues
Place: zoom link
Topic: SmartSky: FAIR Astrophysical Workflows in Renku
Abstract: Modern astronomy relies on leveraging increasingly diverse data and methods, making it difficult for traditionally specialized researchers to grasp the necessarily broad view of the cosmic phenomena. In addition, some of the most prolific astrophysical sources of the recent years are transient in nature, and can only be tackled with autonomous tools. I will describe how we are addressing these two challenges by creating Renku-supported environment for building astrophysical workflows capturing specialized scientific expertise in a FAIR way. The preserved workflows are exploited by researchers across broad range of astronomical domains, as well as by autonomous orchestrators, opening new opportunities for discoveries.
Your feedback is important to us. Please fill in this form to let us know your day/time preferences for the next round of Renku talks!