Hi together
We would like to use your plugin “Renku MLS” to log and track models. We will follow your example: GitHub - SwissDataScienceCenter/renku-mls: MLSchema plugin for Renku to export the specified model parameters. The problem is as follows:
Trial run without renku command: in the CLI, “python main.py” leads to the following results:
a example “8738071270117.jsonld” is created with all the desired data in the .renku/ml/latest folder. However, the file cannot be found / or is not migrated to your knowledegraph and therefore the following command “renku mls params” cannot query query the Knowledge Graph to list the hyper-parameter settings of our models. The command should read the generated .jsonld
file and extract the required metadata. But it doesn’t. I guessed this could be because it is not run via “renku run” to effectively create a knowledgegraph.
Trial run with renku command: in the CLI “renku run workflow.yml” leads to the following results:
we encounter a bug:
xdg-open: no method available for opening 'Sign in to GitHub · GitHub.
furthermore, inside the output folder: ‘.renku/ml/latest’ a new folder is created ‘.ipynb.checkpoints’ with the new exported file: 8757505264216-checkpoint.jsonld.
if we rerun the command ‘renku run workflow.yml’. inside this “.ipynb.checkpoints” a new .jsonId is generated plus a new folder named ‘.ipynb.checkpoint’. Furthermore the statement “renku mls params” still doesn’t display any values.
I am not sure if this behavior is normal. I also would appreciate to know how to access your knowledgegraph to check if the metadata migration into the project specific knowledgraph was successful.
In case you need furhter information or my description wasn’t clear, let me know.
thanks for your help,