Renku Base image with older R version


We are currently developping an application for a production environment that uses R 3.4.3. We would like to use a Renku base image with the same R version and the latest Rstudio version (we like looking at code on multiple panes in parallel ;-)).

Unfortunately, there is no Renku base image with that specific version.

What would you suggest? Is there a quick way to downgrade R from the latest Renku image?

Thanks a lot!

– Damien

Hi Damien,

Thanks for your question! We are curious as to whether you have R 3.4.3 + RStudio 2022.02.3-492 installed on that production environment? I recall that we had trouble installing that older version of R + a recent version of RStudio. It is also not trivial to downgrade the R version.


Hi Gavin,

Thanks for the quick reply.

No the production environment has a much older version of RStudio (1.2.5042).

Hi Damien,

I just tried to fix an image with R 3.4.3 + RStudio 2022.02.3-492 but I don’t think they are compatible: see Test R 3.4.3 · SwissDataScienceCenter/renkulab-docker@a95cc74 · GitHub. Now that I think about it, we had an issue with rstudio-proxy with the older versions of R so I don’t think it would work in our set up. I think the best thing to do would be to see if you can upgrade the production environment to R 4.0+ (which is of course a major version increase).

Sorry about that!

Hi Gavin,

No worries, thanks a lot for trying out! We will indeed try to push for an update on the production side…

– Damien

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