For our project, we want to synchronize the work we do on RenkuLab with a correspondent repository on GitHub. To do so, we have set the mirroring from the GitLab repository to the relative GitHub’s one.
It seemed to be working fine until today when I noticed the following error in the mirroring settings within the repository section:
13:close stream to gitaly-ruby: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = Gitlab::Git::CommandError: To ! refs/heads/master:refs/heads/master [remote rejected] (pre-receive hook declined) Done remote: error: GH008: Your push referenced at least 1 unknown Git LFS object: remote: a9773e835e5661fa2caaf1b21d5537103c0ab64f6a32fd8fd722894cc4e6bd76 remote: Try to push them with 'git lfs push --all'. error: failed to push some refs to '[FILTERED]@github.com/oda-hub/oda-sdss.git'
Can this be related to some problem with the Renku platform? Or, in case, can you point us in the right direction?
Thank you very much