I was trying out importing a dataset from a Renku project using its URL, through the UI in Renkulab but I’m not succeeding, so I wondered if you could help please.
For the second part, I believe that is the correct URL.
For a corollary of the first part: have you set up an ssh key for your account (in settings in renkulab.io/gitlab)? If not & if the project with the datasets (and the dataset itself) still exists, it might not be able to clone for this reason.
If you’ve got the ssh key set up already, then someone else from the team will chime in
The issue is that Renku cannot clone the project that contains this dataset. Can you try to see if you can clone the project in the same environment that you run Renku (although in a different directory) by running these commands: git clone git@renkulab.io:ACE-ASAID/cruise-track-legs0-4.git
or git clone https://renkulab.io/gitlab/ACE-ASAID/cruise-track-legs0-4.git?
The first command fails if you don’t have an ssh key set up (as suggested by @emmjab).
Thank you for your report. I’ve created a ticket to enable this for the future and you can track the progress for it here. It should come soon-ish, so you will be able to do this with newer version of renku.
I just downloaded and uploaded the files in the end. It looks like the ticket that @jsam pointed me to has it covered. We’re busy importing lots of the data from private Renku repos (and some restricted datasets from Zenodo) at the moment to finish off the project, so we’ll just go with the downloading and uploading until the new version is ready