Would you agree with me that the Renku CLI Conda install instructions unnecessarily assume that there is no existing environment with renku
as part of their name ?
This is due to the $(conda env list | grep renku | awk '{print $2}')
part of the install command right after having created an environment named renku
. The below illustrates my point :
champost@SIT:~$ conda env list | grep renku
minimal-renku-env /home/champost/miniconda3/envs/minimal-renku-env
renku /home/champost/miniconda3/envs/renku
This can however be remedied by adding a single space within single quotes while “grepping” which becomes $(conda env list | grep 'renku ' | awk '{print $2}')
champost@SIT:~$ conda env list | grep 'renku ’
renku /home/champost/miniconda3/envs/renku