Renku CLI Conda install instructions


Would you agree with me that the Renku CLI Conda install instructions unnecessarily assume that there is no existing environment with renku as part of their name ?

This is due to the $(conda env list | grep renku | awk '{print $2}') part of the install command right after having created an environment named renku. The below illustrates my point :

champost@SIT:~$ conda env list | grep renku
minimal-renku-env /home/champost/miniconda3/envs/minimal-renku-env
renku /home/champost/miniconda3/envs/renku

This can however be remedied by adding a single space within single quotes while “grepping” which becomes $(conda env list | grep 'renku ' | awk '{print $2}')

champost@SIT:~$ conda env list | grep 'renku ’
renku /home/champost/miniconda3/envs/renku

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Great suggestion, thanks!

I have made a PR to incorporate this: docs: fix conda installation instructions by ciyer · Pull Request #1876 · SwissDataScienceCenter/renku · GitHub
I see you already made a PR for this, which is even better. Update cli-installation.rst by champost · Pull Request #1872 · SwissDataScienceCenter/renku · GitHub

Let us move the discussion there.