I have 2 different conda environments setup within a renku environment. I am trying to launch jupyter notebook using the second conda environment, however I did not manage to switch kernel to the other conda environment. When I launch notebook from a terminal that already has the desired conda environment activated, I couldn’t manage to view the started jupyter notebook server.
Is it possible to do this?
Just to make sure I understand the situation: you have a renku project where you have defined two conda environments as part of your Dockerfile; you have jupyter installed in both environments and you want to be have kernels from both the conda environments available to you when you start a notebook from jupyterlab. Is that correct?
It turns out the issue was that the base image has conda installed with root privileges, which is problematic if I see that I need additional python libraries in the environment. So my workaround was that I created a new conda environment where I install all the python libraries I need.
While I can start a jupyter notebook server from terminal with this new conda environment, I don’t know how to view it. I got a suggestion that perhaps one needs to add additional port forwards besides 8888 in Dockerfile.
Anyhow, I have a temporary solution at the moment, so this is certainly not an urgent issue.
@firat if I understood correctly you only made an extra environment because the default environment didn’t let you install packages, right? Or do you actually need multiple environments? I need to fix the new cuda/TF docker image to allow users to install packages anyway in which case you might not need to juggle multiple environments. Which package were you trying to install?
I can confirm that building an image based on this dockerfile causes then subsequent image build to fail here.
I think the problem is in these lines which install the tensorflow python package as root and then switch back to the non-root user. I am testing a fix where the tensorflow package is installed as non-root. Will update soon.
indeed - I just fixed this and can confirm that it works. I pushed a fix to the PR - as soon as the CI is done running there, you can try the new base image @firat.