How to cite RENKU


I want to cite RENKU in my article. I was wondering if there is any publication related to RENKU to cite. It would be great if you could provide a .bib file that explains how to cite RENKU.

Many thanks.

Hi @amirrezaie1415 apologies for the late reply - unfortunately we don’t have a renku paper yet, so best way to “cite” it is to refer to, which will remain our main deployment for the foreseeable future.

How about adding a cff file to the renku github repository?
I sort of expected from a software designed for researchers that I would immediately find a description how to cite it.

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Apologies @niowniow I didn’t see your response - it’s a good idea, we’ll add such a file to the main renku repository.

For anyone coming here from web search, @rrrrrok is it now safe to say that people can cite this paper?

 author = {Ro\v{s}kar, Rok and Ramakrishnan, Chandrasekhar and Volpi, Michele and Perez-Cruz, Fernando and Gasser, Lilian and Ozdemir, Firat and Paitz, Patrick and Alisafaee, Mohammad and Fischer, Philipp and Grubenmann, Ralf and Harris, Eliza and Olevski, Tasko and Remlinger, Carl and Salamanca, Luis and Capon Garcia, Elisabet and Cavazzi, Lorenzo and Chrobasik, Jakub and Cordoba Osnas, Darlin and Degano, Alessandro and Dupre, Jimena and Johnson, Wesley and Kettner, Eike and Kinkead, Laura and Murphy, Sean D. and Thiebaut, Flora and Verscheure, Olivier},
 booktitle = {Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems},
 editor = {A. Oh and T. Naumann and A. Globerson and K. Saenko and M. Hardt and S. Levine},
 pages = {42161--42173},
 publisher = {Curran Associates, Inc.},
 title = {Renku: a platform for sustainable data science},
 url = {},
 volume = {36},
 year = {2023}

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Hi @firat ! Indeed, that is the correct way to cite Renku. More details in Renku blog entry on NeurIPS.

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