Data confidentiality level

Dear community, I am working on a project constructing sample datasets for a meta analysis. Now I am concerned about what kind of data I can upload to the project. Because there might be some unpublished data, I would love to double check whether it could be exposed to other users even if I set the project visibility to private or internal.

Thank you so much for providing clarifications. :raised_hands:

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Hi @JDawnDuan thanks for the question and welcome to Renku!

If you are pushing the data with git-LFS to your repo, it will live on our servers at SWITCH in Switzerland. We do not encrypt the data, but you can do that before pushing it if you wish. The access control is handled by GitLab so the visibility of the data is the same as for your repository.

You may want to put the data in an S3 bucket or some other external cloud storage - in that case, the visibility of the data is controlled by the third-party service, and we have no influence on it.

I hope that helps, let me know if you have other questions!

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