๐Ÿ Addressing issues with Renku image builders

:warning: Issue: we have observed issues across multiple projects when building Renku images using conda with the defaults channel supported by Anaconda.com

:hammer_and_wrench: Solution: we recommend Renku users to complete the following steps in their projects.

  • Remove defaults channel from the environment.yml file.
  • Add conda-forge channel in the environment.yml file if it is not already there (in the default Renku projects, conda-forge is not there).
    environment.yml cannot have defaults, and should include an alternative channel. We propose using conda-forge.

:information_source: By following the above steps, users should be able to proceed as usual working on their projects. Please, note that conda-forge is a community supported service which does not have the same terms of service as anacondaโ€™s channel.