Add Packages to Renku project via Conda - pyGIMLi

Hi @rrrrrok,

I did quite a bit of testing since posting my issue. My trials consisted of various build scenarios and making use of distinct Renku projects (all based on the Basic Python template).

I have come to the conclusion that it is the defaults channel specified in the default environment.yml file provided by the Basic Python template which is the source of the problem.

I am not sure whether I am running into some sort of channel collision issue here. In any case, I don’t understand the reason for specifying a defaults channel when all the packages listed in a Basic Python template either come from the conda-forge channel or via pypi.

  • For starters, here is what the environment.yml file looks like in a Basic Python template
name: "base"
  - defaults
# - add packages here
# - one per line
prefix: "/opt/conda"
  • Here is an example where the build fails (e.g. ERROR: Job failed: execution took longer than 2h0m0s seconds after increasing the default build timeout)
name: "base"
  - defaults
  - gimli
# - add packages here
# - one per line
  - pygimli=1.3.0
prefix: "/opt/conda"
  • Here is an example where the build succeeds !
name: "base"
  - gimli
# - add packages here
# - one per line
  - pygimli=1.3.0
prefix: "/opt/conda"

Note that the whatever combination I tried, the removal of the defaults channel from the environment.yml file always resulted in a successful build.

Does the above make any sense to you ?